英语 & 社会研究
This course is designed to give students an overview of some of the major works and authors of American 文学. Students will develop literary analysis skills through 个人和小组项目 as well as written composition skills including narrative and expository writing, 创造性和描述性写作和应用文献分析. 文学包括 的坩埚 阿瑟·米勒, 临终前的一课 作者:欧内斯特·J. 盖恩斯,他们携带的东西 作者:蒂姆·奥布莱恩.
这学期的重点是写作过程. Students will write a variety of essays that demonstrate an understanding of the writing process, 说明性和叙事性作文和创造性写作. 项目将结合写作, organizational and comprehension skills with creativity to highlight analysis and understanding of ideas, 问题和事件. Writing assignments and essays are designed to expand students’ abilities in literary analysis, 说明文和创造性表达.
本课程的目的是建立在九年级以前学到的英语技能. 建立在学生已经拥有的基础之上, 本课程着重于文献分析的发展和写作过程. 学生将阅读各种文学作品,包括, 短篇小说, 小说, 非小说类, 诗歌和戏剧培养文学技能. 理解将通过课堂讨论获得, 个人和小组项目, 以及书面分析. 重点将放在帮助学生准备CAHSEE考试上. The course adheres to California Content Standards for 年级 10 and is divided into four different sections: 诗歌, 戏剧, 非虚构和虚构. 每个部分都有阅读选读, compositions and projects designed to improve and develop overall reading comprehension and writing skills. 文学包括但不限于: 推销员之死 阿瑟·米勒, 安提戈涅 在索福克勒斯,十二怒汉 作者:雷金纳德·罗斯 快餐之国 作者:Eric Schlosser 杀死一只知更鸟 哈珀·李.
In 11th 年级, students extend and apply knowledge previously targeted in earlier 年级s in the context of the historical genres and literary traditions of American Literature. 以书面形式, they work with text structures such as biographical narratives and response to 文学 utilizing primary and secondary sources.
鉴于这是一门高级课程, a main emphasis will be placed on preparing students for college-level curriculum and success. 时间管理和个人责任是本课程的重要组成部分. This course gives an overview of ancient and modern literary works from around the world. 除了, students will explore the history and customs of each country/region studied and how 文学 is a reflection of each unique culture. 理解将通过课堂阅读和讨论获得, 个人和小组项目和书面分析. 将探讨文学概念和写作风格.
This course is divided into five sections, each section reflecting a different 地理al region. 每个部分都有阅读选读, compositions and projects designed to improve and develop overall reading comprehension and writing skills. 阅读选择将从文学选集和指定的小说. 选择的示例如下 俄狄浦斯·雷克斯,贝奥武夫,卡菲尔男孩 马克·马萨巴内著; 巴尔扎克和《乐天使》 作者:戴思杰 光环 Carlos Fuentes著.
本课程以学生的写作、阅读和理解能力为基础. Special attention will be paid to moving the student from a functional application of the rules of grammar to applying those rules to more advanced techniques of paragraph, 论文和研究写作. The course will review editing basics such as fragments, run-ons and recognizing parts of speech. 此外, 通过对名著的吸收和详细的修改, 将注意创造更复杂和有趣的书面作业. 学生将开始理解和发展自己的写作风格. 补充对写作技巧的强调, 本课程将使用小说, 传记, 诗歌, 戏剧 and 非小说类 to develop an understanding of important language arts skills as well as identify how themes and ideas are conveyed through various types of writing. This class overlaps with 计算机知识 so that students can practice applying technology to their writing and researching processes. 文学包括但不限于: 人与鼠 欧内斯特·海明威, 罗密欧与朱丽叶 威廉·莎士比亚的作品 外来者 的年代.E. 辛顿.
This accelerated 英语 course offers opportunities for students to work with sophisticated literary devices, 运用更高层次的思维技能, 阅读要求更高的文学作品. 速度, depth and independent work requirements offers a more challenging curriculum for students that have demonstrated excellence in previous 英语 classes. 书面作业将更广泛和分析性质. 除了 to the 英语 12 reading requirements student will read selections such as我在伊朗长大 作者:Marjane Satrapi; 狗在夜间的离奇事件 马克·哈登著; 的弱者 作者:Mariano Azuela 燃烧的平原 文/胡安·鲁尔福.
The objective of this class is to study different cultures throughout the world and recognize the effects of culture, 周围的环境, 以及帮助学生在与他人的关系中定义自己的机构. 我们的主要焦点是古印度, 中国古代, 拜占庭帝国, 俄罗斯, 东非, 蒙古帝国, 明代, 韩国和日本. 学生学习印度河流域文明, 中国古代生活与文化, 俄罗斯的崛起, 以及朝鲜和日本的朝代.
这门课是地理概论. 当我们观察太阳系时,学生们将了解地理的重要性, 我们的星球和我们的国家. Students will also learn about geography in other countries such as Latin America and Europe, 以及地理的不同方面如何影响我们的日常生活. Students will complete a research project on a country of their choice and do a presentation to the class.
学生学习塑造现代世界的主要转折点, 从18世纪晚期一直到现在, 包括两次世界大战的起因和进程. They trace the rise of democratic ideas and develop an understanding of the historical roots of current world issues, 尤其是在国际关系方面. Students develop an understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, 地理, 政治, 经济, 以及文化背景. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to understand international relations from a variety of perspectives. Students learn a broad range of topics starting with the First Civilizations and ending with The Contemporary Western World, 非洲和中东.
英语11/U.S. History double period allows students to explore the connections across the two subject areas. By teaching these courses as a block, students work with historical documents as literary documents. 他们把文学作为历史的反映来探索, 阅读创始人的演讲, 美国主要人物的自传和文学评论,如 的坩埚. 然后,学生用写作来解释、解释和分析事件. 大部分的学习都是基于项目的. 例如, one project has students compare depression era media and satire with media and satire from the current recession. Students create presentations and write summaries to teach their peers about major events leading up to the Civil War. Another project allows the student to be reporters filing video and transcripts from the battles of WWII. Students end the year with a research paper about a major event or issue from modern American history. 该课程允许对内容和能力采取更全面的方法.
This course covers important events that have shaped the United States from 1900 to the present. 在这一年里,学生们讨论我们国家的起源, the development and implementation of our democratic ideals and the global impact the United States has on the world today. 学生将获得评估历史证据的能力, 进行对比分析, 并在使用事实证据的基础上发展合理的历史论点. 所涉及的主题包括殖民化, 南北战争, 美洲原住民文化, 工业革命, 第一次和第二次世界大战, 水门事件, 冷战, 以及反恐战争.
学生集中学习微观和宏观经济学原理. They examine the theories which underpin the US 经济 model including supply; demand; the effect of taxes on supply and demand; opportunity cost; market inequalities and externalities; budgeting and forecasting; entrepreneurship; labor markets; the stock market; international trade; the intersection of politics and economy; and most importantly, 负责的资金管理和预算.
本课程探讨美国政府的制度和基本原则. 这门课程着眼于民主制度的基础, 权力制衡的演变和实践, 深入研究这三个分支中的每一个, 对宪法的检查, 以及制定和改变公共政策的过程. 通过调查和评估当前事件, 学生将成为民主政府的参与者. 除了, 文学, 电影, and the arts will be incorporated into the class in order to bring alive the facts and circumstances, 课程的主题和问题.